My StoryÂ
If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by life, like you’re carrying a weight no one else can see—whether it’s from the chaos of daily motherhood, financial stress, or just the relentless emotional rollercoaster—know that you’re not alone. I’ve been there too.
I grew up in a dysfunctional home where struggle, instability, and unpredictability were the norm. My teen years were a blur of trying to numb the pain by lighting up my pleasure centers with adrenaline, drugs, and alcohol. I dreamed of a better life, but I was heading down a destructive path. By the time I turned 20, I was pregnant, living with my baby’s father—who had just left me for someone else—and facing eviction with no power because he’d spent our money on his addictions.
I was completely alone with a new baby on the way, and everything felt like it was falling apart. But in the middle of that mess, something clicked. Becoming a mom was my wake up call. That tiny, innocent little human gave me the reason to figure my s#it out. Motherhood is what started my journey to personal development and awakening—it didn’t happen overnight, but it’s been a beautiful, ongoing unfolding.
I didn’t have the role models or support system I needed growing up, so I had to learn everything as I went. I asked for help when I couldn’t do it alone, and I’m deeply grateful for every helping hand along the way. One person, in particular, had an immense impact on my life—a mentor I consider my dad to this day. He helped me shift my life, and now I aim to pay that forward to others.
While I was pregnant, I worked three part-time jobs in three different towns to qualify for maternity leave while finishing my high school diploma. I found a little cabin for $500 a month, utilities included, where we could start fresh. I joined mom-and-baby groups, started practicing yoga, and began dreaming about what kind of life I wanted to create—for myself and my son.
I knew I wanted a career that would allow me to work for myself, be there for my son, and make a meaningful impact. After a lot of research and navigating government funding, I enrolled in a 3000-hour program to become a Registered Massage Therapist. When my son was 9 months old, we moved to Victoria, BC, where the college is, for us to start our new chapter together.
Even though I was living on very little, I still found a way to invest in my health and wellness. I was in a different environment and surrounded by people who demonstrated well-being, and it made a lasting impression on me. I started to understand the importance of self-care—it started with physical, and later discovered the importance of the emotional and mental components as well. I was trying to balance full-time school and single motherhood, and I realized that I had to take care of myself so I could be resilient enough to balance my responsibilities.
Since then, I’ve continued learning—about health, wellness, personal development, and emotional intellegence. The more I focused on caring for myself—mind, body, and soul—the more I noticed how much better I could show up in life. I’ve learned how to manage my emotions, handle stress, and cultivate joy and inner peace.
One of my biggest goals has always been to be the best mom I can be for my son. I want him to feel seen, loved, and accepted for exactly who he is—and to have opportunities to thrive. I’m proud to say we have a strong, open relationship, and seeing him mirror my commitment to personal growth fills me with joy. As parents, we are the biggest role models for our children.
My journey hasn’t been easy, and it’s been full of ups and downs. But every challenge has taught me something valuable. Through trial and error, I’ve learned that life isn’t about avoiding problems—it’s about building the inner strength to face them. I’ve had to rebuild my life more than once, and I’ve learned that through it all, what matters most is how we respond to life’s struggles.
As a mom, you’re already doing one of the toughest jobs in the world, and, I believe we need as many empowered, positive women as possible, especially now. I’m here to help you build the emotional strength, resilience, and balance you need to navigate the challenges of motherhood—and life—with more calm, clarity, and confidence.
What started as a quest to be the best mom I could be has now turned into a passion for helping other moms live more holistically and optimally. I’m excited to hold space, offer tools and support to help you regulate your emotions, manage stress, and find solutions to life’s challenges. Because the truth is, you have the power to shape your life—and your well-being—by focusing on what you can control: yourself.
Thank you for being part of my journey. I’m here to guide you on yours.
With love and gratitude,
Chelsey Forbes
Registered Massage Therapist,Yoga Instructor & Life Coach